Linden Flower, Cut & Sifted, Certified Organic, sold by the gram

Price: $0.11
Herb: Linden Flower, Cut & Sifted, Certified Organic

Tilia cordata Plant Family: Tiliaceae, Cut & Sifted, Certified Organically Grown

Sold by the gram, $0.1055/g. Please bring or order a bag.

MAIL OR PICK UP ORDER (pre-packed)
You must (please) order a minimum of 100g and buy a biodegradable bag or container.
We reserve the right to change your container to a more appropriate size as needed and to credit or invoice you for any difference in your total order cost.

The Linden tree is found in both Europe and North America. There are many folktales concerning linden across Europe. One of the most radical is of Celtic origin that states that if you sit under the linden tree you will be cured of epilepsy. In Roman and German folklore, the linden tree is seen as the "tree of lovers", and Polish folklore tells that the wood is good protection against both the evil eye and lightning. Linden blossom has been used to make a variety of items including herbal teas and a base for perfumes, as well as being known for producing tiny aromatic flowers that attract many bees that in turn produce a wonderful honey.

Leaf and Flowers.