Fir, Silver Needle, Certified Organic Essential Oil

Price: $8.18
silver_fir_Essential_Oil_Anarres 180kb

Abies alba steam distilled from leaves (needles), in Bulgaria

Aroma: Fresh, clean scent/Pine-like and Balsamic.

Common uses: Popular applications for this essential oil include air fresheners, bath blends, perfumes, and other cosmetic products. Fir needle is reported to help with arthritis, bronchitis, colds, coughs, flu, muscle aches, rheumatism, sinusitis.

Possible uses: Arthritis, bronchitis, colds, coughs, flu, muscle aches, rheumatism, sinusitis. [Julia Lawless, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1995), 60-66.]

Main Constituents:
α-Pinene: 22.77%
β-Pinene: 24.13%
Limonene: 17.07%

History: Native to the European mountains, the evergreen Abies alba – better known as the Silver Fir tree – was the first large, coniferous botanical to be commonly used as a Christmas tree. The name Abies is Latin for “rising one,” in reference to its height, and the name Alba is Latin for “bright” or “white” and is suggestive of the white color of its wood. The flat, needle-like leaves of this tree yield an essential oil that is also referred to as White Fir Essential Oil and Fir Needle Essential Oil. Its scent evokes images of forests. Popular applications for this essential oil include air fresheners, bath blends, perfumes, and other cosmetic products. Historically, it was used in medicinal products such as cough remedies.

Colour: pale yellow to yellow-green transparent liquid

Consistency: Medium liquid

Perfumery Note: middle/Top

The strength of initial aroma: Strong

Blends With: Cypress, Cedarwood, Lavenders, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Spearmint, and most Citrus essential oils

Cautions: Avoid if pregnant. Otherwise, please consult a physician prior to using this essential oil. A skin test is recommended prior to using this oil, as it may cause skin irritation in some individuals. Dilute well before use. For external use only; contact with eyes should be avoided.

Storage: It is recommended that oils packaged in metal containers (for safe shipping), be transferred into dark glass containers to maintain freshness and attain maximum shelf life.


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