Pine, Maritime Essential Oil

Price: $10.03
Pine, Maritime Essential Oil

Pinus pinaster the maritime pine aka sea pine aka cluster pine is a native to the south Atlantic Europe region and parts of the western Mediterranean.

Aroma: The essential oil has a fresh, woody, earthy, balsamic forest-like aroma. It has a gentler scent than most pines due to its relatively high ester content.
Its balsamic yet fresh, coniferous woody pine scent relates to its comforting and grounding quality used for meditation.

History: The ancient Egyptians used the pine kernels in their cooking.

Colour: Colourless to pale yellow

Common Uses: Its bark may be helpful for asthma and improved leg circulation. Maritime pine contains chemicals that might improve blood flow, stimulate the immune system, reduce swelling, prevent infections, and have antioxidant effects.

Maritime pine bark extract is used for asthma, high cholesterol, decline in memory, ADHD, and many other conditions.

SKINCARE USES: Regulates hyper-pigmentation, sustains hydration, and boosts collagen production.

NERVOUS SYSTEM: Analgesic, anti-anxiety, and sedative used in massage oils and body treatments, especially to target joint and muscle pain and cramps.

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Soothing, decongesting the lungs and sinuses, while helping with allergies, colds, and flu symptoms.

Consistency: Thin

Note: Top

Strength of Aroma: Strong

Monoterpenes (68.70%)
Sesquiterpenes (17.45%)
Esters (12.70%)
Monoterpenols (2.31%)
Sesquiterpenols (1.24%)
Oxides (0.97%)

Cautions: "Auto-immune diseases" such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Maritime pine might cause the immune system to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases.

Bleeding conditions: High doses of maritime pine might increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding conditions.

Surgery: Maritime pine might slow blood clotting and reduce blood sugar. Stop using maritime pine at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Photo thanks to JoJan assumed (based on copyright claims). Own work assumed (based on copyright claims)., CC BY-SA 3.0,


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