Agrimonia eupatoria Its water extracts (#infusions and #decoctions) are used in the treatment of #respiratory, #urinary system, and #digestive problems, and chronic #wounds. People use the parts that grow above the ground to make medicine by applying directly to the skin as a mild drying agent (#astringent) and for mild skin redness and swelling (#inflammation). #Agrimony Herb contains chemicals called #tannins, which are thought to help conditions such as #diarrhea.
Order 1 whole bag (normally 1 lb) and receive 20% off while supplies last! I'll apply the discount when you order 454g of a single herb, and refund or add bonus product as applicable.
Sold by the gram, $0.0161/g. Please bring or order a Recloseable Bag
MAIL OR PICK UP ORDER (pre-packed)
You must (please) order a minimum of 100g (or $5 worth whichever is less) and buy a biodegradable bag or container. We reserve the right to change your container to a more appropriate size as needed and to credit or invoice you for any difference in your total order cost.
The information presented on this website is for informational, reference and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a health care practitioner.
#Toronto #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SmallBusiness #Bloordale #Bloorcourt #BloorWest #Aromatherapy #ZeroWaste #ShopEthical #Fairtrade #Green #DIY
#herbs, #nature, #plants, #vegan, #organic, #witch, #plantbased, #greenwitch