Childbirth Class: Preparing for Labour and Birth with Doulas on Bikes

Price: $0.00
Logo of Doulas on Bikes line drawing of pregnant body with green heart
photo of Vera Kevic of Doulas on Bikes

This online childbirth class will prepare you and your birth partner for a smooth and joyful labour. The class is delivered online over 4 sessions, each session will be recorded and available to be viewed within 14 days to accommodate busy schedules! (Participants are encouraged to join live.)

SEARCH Doulas on Bikes DOT com for more information.

In this 6-hour online course, you will learn:
* How to prepare your pregnant body for birth
* What comfort measures will make for a smooth labour
* What to expect of your birth venue (home, hospital or Birth centre)
* The medical tools available (including talk about epidural, induction and cesarean birth)
* What your options are for the 2nd and 3rd stages of labour (birth of and placenta)
* Inspiration for partner involvement!

Childbirth Class: Preparing for Labour and Birth
LIVE & ONLINE, 6 hours total
Thursday nights, 6:30-8:00 pm

2 options to register:
Winter session: February 27, March 6, 13 and 20.
Summer session: July 31, Aug 7, 14 and 21
The cost is $290 + hst.

SEARCH Doulas on Bikes DOT com for more information.

About the Facilitator:

Vera Kevic is a Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator in Toronto. She has taught and empowered hundreds of parents and Doulas with skills and ideas to encourage individuals to have positive birth experiences. She holds a degree with honours from U of T and has a diploma in Teaching Adults. She has presented at several conferences and considers herself a birth activist. Vera is co-owner of Doulas on Bikes with her sisters, celebrating 10 years in business.

Vera Kevic (she/her)
Doulas on Bikes
Follow on Instagram doulasonbikes