Mask: Cloth Washable Face Headscarf Black Lives Matter, Together We Rise and I Matter

Price: $8.00
MASK: Cloth Reusable Face Headscarf Black Lives Matter, Together We Rise and I M
MASK: Cloth Reusable Face Headscarf Black Lives Matter coloursMASK: Cloth Reusable Face Headscarf Together We RiseMASK: Cloth Reusable Face Headscarf hands upMASK: Cloth Reusable Face Headscarf Black Lives Matter how to wear face scarf 1multifunction face scarves

A comfortable thin scarf made from synthetic fabric.

PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGIES FOR CARELESSLY INCLUDING SOME IMAGES WITH INAPPROPRIATE TERMINOLOGY. The labels on the images come from the manufacturer in China, presumably Cantonese or Mandarin speakers with limited awareness of racialized and inaccurate racist language in the Americas. I confess that I did not see these labels. I have corrected the images.


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