Perfume: Custom Perfume, Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilette, Eau de Cologne

Price: $20.00

Please refer to the page below to see which amount goes with what you want. Please be sure you order what you need.

Blend: Custom Perfume and Perfume Oils

$30 Custom:
10mL oil perfume or eau de parfum (20% eo)
60mL eau de toilette (5% eo)
120mL eau de cologne or after shave (2.5% eo)

$20 ($10 discount) for reorders and refills
Please provide your formula. If you don't provide a formula, or this is a first time order, we may fill your order intuitively or delay until we hear from you. So don't.

Each is made to order with pure essential oils, carriers oils, and/or plant waters.

First time you order a custom perfume, cologne, after shave, or eaux de toilette, it's $30 for the first . That's because it takes time to create your formula.

Blessings and Let The RRRevolution Begin in Your Senses!


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