Balms Blowout Sale! Choose Any 5 for $50!

Price: $50.00

tell us which type you want

Balms Blowout Sale! Choose Any 5 for $50! 1
Balms Blowout Sale! Choose Any 5 for $50! 2Balms Blowout Sale! Choose Any 5 for $50! 3

Choose any 5 Balms for only $50! Stock up for the winter, or as stocking stuffers for the holidays!

Here's the deal:

* The size balm for this offer is 30mL or the nearest size with a price of $10 or more. Some Balms are 60mL such as the Scented Salves.

* You can order multiples of the same balm, or all different balms.

* Balms are available only while my current supplies last, so order early to get the ones you prefer!

This is an overstock sale, and I will cap the balms available once I've sold the extras, marked by a strike out.

Balm: Anarres Nipple Balm Reg $18.00
Beard Pomade, Cedars Reg $18.00
Balm: Bed of Roses LIMITED EDITION
Balm: Blister Anti-Viral Reg $12.00
Cougar Healing Daily Relief Reg $13
Cougar: Like Tiger Balm Reg $13.50
Eczema Balm
Balm: Fungus Fighter Skin Balm
Healing Hands Body & Lip Balm Reg $12.00
Mamalicious Baby Balm Reg $12.50
Mango Moisturizing Balm with Tangerine Reg $17.50
Nom! Nom! Nipple Tingling Balm Reg $12.00
Pawfect Paws Natural Healing Balm for Dogs Reg $18.25
Scented Salve in 5 Varieties 60mL size! Reg $12.00
Choose from:
Sensitive Eye Balm Reg $15.00
Skin Renewal Balm Reg $12.00
Skin Soother All-Purpose Balm Reg $15.00
Sun Blessed Balm for Lips and Body Reg $12.00
Vegan Healing Balm Reg $12.00
Vegan Sun & Bum Balm with Zinc Reg $20.00
Vegan Sun Healing Balm for Lips and Face
Wart Salve Reg $15


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