Blend: Mental Fitness #2 Open Mind aka The Head Stretch

Price: $15.00
Blend: Mental Fitness Collection, Open Mind, Essential Oil

Open yourself to new pathways, new thought-ways, and new possibilities. The dawn light reveals unexpected vistas!

Originally known as #2 The Head Stretch as I created it for Soul 7.

Aroma: Minty, with a dash of citrus and spice.

Cajeput Melaleuca cajuputi revives a tired mind and opens all the doors and windows for you, clearing out the cobwebs. Cajeput targets your consciousness, helping you turn your mind away from unwanted habits.

Spearmint Mentha spicata is the Mother of all mints, nurturing positivity, mental clarity, and relaxed alertness. She invites you to take responsibility for your own actions & decisions. Spearmint works with your integrity, restoring you to child-like innocence and lightness, allowing you to stay true to your path, or forge a new one.

Neroli 10% in jojoba turns negativity, and fearfulness, on its head, promoting inner and outer harmony and growth with grace and charm.

#MadeInToronto #Toronto #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SmallBusiness #Bloordale #Bloorcourt #BloorWest #Aromatherapy #ZeroWaste #ShopEthical #Fairtrade #Green

10 ml 100% essential oil blend in a sealed cobalt blue glass bottle with white dripulator.

Essential oils and blends can most often be filled for pick up the same day, and for courier pick up the next day! My business hours are 8 am to 8 pm Sundays through Thursdays.


I carry over 500 sustainably harvested and fairly traded essential oils, resins, absolutes, extracts and dozens of enriching, infused and carrier oils, making Anarres Natural Health the most ethical and local source for essential oils in Toronto. #Essential #Oils #Toronto