About Zeolite

Q: Please advise on how to administer for a 14-year-old. She has stomach issues, constipation which could be causing her volatile behaviour She is 14, around 120lbs. Thinking she needs some form of cleansing.

A: There is certainly a connection between constipation and behaviour problems in children and teens, and you can see related studies in Pub Med. A contributing factor to both the constipation and the irritability is disrupted gut flora. I recommend a good probiotic supplement (look for L. bifidum and B. longum) with each meal for three months or more.

I suggest 4 drops zeolite in humec in a glass of water, three times per day. The water is important! It can be taken between or with meals or snacks. There are no safety concerns with this zeolite. As a Certified Natural Health Practitioner, I prefer lower doses over a longer period of time to allow the body to use the medicine and to heal.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thanks, Tracey, Certified Natural Health Practitioner, Founder, Teacher