Do Stefani PS Floats Leach into the Purified Water?

Q: Does anyone make floats from other materials? I know they are BPA free. But that probably means they are made with BPS... which has 10X the estrogen mimicking efficacy as BPA. I would like to reduce the plastic contact with food as much as I can. It's so hard. I know they kids will get lots of it no matter what.


T. (Stefani water purifier customer)

A: Hi T.,

The plastic used for the floats is the least likely to leach into water.
Other materials are not used or available. You may use the water purifier without floats if you make sure that you do not overfill it. It would have halve the maximum capacity.

Stefani floats are made from FDA-approved, BPA-free polystyrene plastic. Generally PS floats are considered safe because:1. The exposure to water is limited to when the upper AND lower compartment are full of water.2. The water is cool, whereas leaching occurs with exposure to heat.3. PS plastic leaches when it breaks down into microplastics, long after you've switched out your float for a new one. Perhaps counter intuitively, it's best to send your used filter candles and floats to the landfill because they will be kept away from the water table where they can release toxins.

What is a Stefani water purifier float?

This valve is designed to prevent lower chamber overflow.
* Simply screws onto the bottom of each filter candle.
* Fits all Stefani Low Pressure Candles and many brands with a thread on the end of the filter candle
* Works right away. No more having to check the bottom chamber water level!

To order Stefani filtres, float valves and taps CLICK HERE.