Essential Oils for Yeast Infections? My answer may SHOCK you!

Q: I spoke to you on the phone about my yeast infection. It has been recurring since Jan. 1 this year. I have tried conventional treatment(Monistat), cut out all sugar for a month (April) and drank a lot (2 quarts a day) of Oregano Tea and took oil of oregano. I have used natural suppositories with tea tree oil (May) and done 14 days of borax capsules(July). Every time I think it is better it comes back. It feels the worst at the onset of my menses and best right after my period.

Things that changed around Jan. 1 may have been a switch to less natural period products because it was easier to get and new laundry detergent. Thank you for any help!

AM Caya Diaphragm and Caya Contraceptive Gel customer)

Tracey TieF, CNHP 1349:
Got it. Based on what you've told me about your treatments, I think the repeated overgrowth of yeast is due to overkill, of bacteria, literally!
I have some strong suggestions for you:

1. USE ORGANIC OR WASHABLE PADS until the yeast infection is resolved for 3+ months.

2. TREAT YOUR PARTNER with whatever you treat yourself with

3. DO NOT TAKE OR USE ESSENTIAL OILS Essential oils are all strongly antibacterial, and when your friendly bacteria is killed off, the yeast dominates and causes the infection. I am a Registered Aromatherapy Health Practitioner (in Canada) and it is never a good idea to ingest or insert essential oils into the body except under specific circumstances with a qualified practitioner.



6. PROBIOTIC ACTIVE YOGHURT Eat, and insert into the vagina (you could even use your diaphragm for this) UNSWEETENED, UNFLAVOURED yogurt. This will install Lactobacillus acidophilus and other helpful bacteria to rebalance the vaginal environment. Naturally, and in a healthy state, your vaginal moisture contains a microbiome of helpful bacteria and yeast. Your partner should treat his genitals with yogurt too!

7. TAKE PROBIOTICS It may be helpful, and can't hurt, to take probiotic capsules between each meal for 3 months. In the very least, this will help your gut microbiome!

If you have Contragel Green or Caya Diaphragm gel, you may use this on your vulva as a moisturizer to prevent or relieve irritation. It's pH balanced and should be non-irritating.

Thanks, Tracey, Certified Natural Health Practitioner, Founder, Teacher


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