A Guide to Discounts at Anarres Apothecary
A Guide to Discounts at
Anarres Apothecary
In order to make Anarres Apothecary a viable, thriving, and affordable resource, we have standardized our discount offers as follows.
EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY no discounts are compounded:
Receive 20% off:
~ the per gram price of an herb when you buy a pound.
~ the per mL price of any hydrosol or oil when you buy a litre or a kg. This discount is built into many items online.
~ the per-item price of any bottle, jar, or bag when you buy 20.
Receive 10% off:
~ the per mL price of any hydrosol or oil when you buy a 500mL. This discount is built into many items online.
~ the per-item price of any bottle, jar, or bag when you buy 10.
Receive 20% discount on essential oils if you are a:
1. Anarres Certificate student or former apprentice***
2. Apprentice on Leave of Absence***
3. Health Professional for use in your work
4. Student studying in a health field (nutrition, herbalism, aromatherapy)
Receive 50% off on essential oils if you are a:
1. Active* Aromatherapy Certification Student or Graduate***
2. Active* Apprentice or Apprenticeship Graduate***
3. Workshopper Card Holder (valid for 1 year from purchase)
4. Reseller**: shops, practitioners & online vendors on application
* You are Active if you are on the schedule or register for a workshop.
** Apply to buy Anarres products and essential oils at 50% off (wholesale rate).
*** Apprentices and Work Exchangers will receive the discounts when they fill their own order.
GENERAL RULES: Please request your discount before ordering in person or in the comments with your order. Discounts aren’t added retroactively.
Help support Anarres by signing up for a year of discounted workshops
AnarresHealth.ca or in person at 1076 Bloor Street West 647*827*6968 Store Hours: Tues-Sat Noon-7pm
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