
Jan 03 2009

Magical Incenses in partnership with The Hermit's Lamp

Made by hand by Tracey TieF in consultation with Andrew McGregor, these sandalwood paste sticks or cones are infused for 24 hours in 100% essential oils, dried, and packaged in compostable eucalyptus

Sep 19 2008

Why I Refuse To Use Plastics

Captain Moore Paints a Bleak Picture for David Letterman. Now What? Read Beth Terry's excellent Fake Plastic Fish blog here:

Recently while promoting my DIY Natural Cleaning Workshop at Grassroots, I was contacted a second time by a salesman who wants me to promote and sell his polyester cleaning rags. Once again, he "informs" me that his product is made from "polyester, not plastic", and that it's produced from "waste" from the gasoline production.