For The Body: Head to Toe, Skin & Facial Care

For The Body: Head to Toe, Skin & Facial CareEverything for everyone's body! Skin creams and lotions, custom creams, serums... from foot cream to toothpaste to hair care!
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Tincture: Vitex aka Chaste BerryTincture: Vitex aka Chaste Berry$33.09
a bottle of ultra zeolite liquid dropsTincture: Zeolite, Liquid Detoxifying Supplement$25.00
Toner & Body Mist: Tone Down the PatriarchyToner & Body Mist: Tone Down the Patriarchy$19.00
a clear blue spray bottle for custom tonerToner: Customize Yours!$17.00
Tongue Cleaner: Stainless Steel in useTongue Cleaner: Stainless Steel$5.50
Shows a pair of copper tongue scrapersTongue Scraper: Copper$8.00
Toning Gel for Drier SkinToning Gel for Drier Skin$19.00
Bamboo Charcoal Tooth Powder in a metal tinTooth Powder: Bamboo Charcoal 10g 30% off$3.15
Three bamboo toothbrushes in a clear glassToothbrush: Bamboo Adult 30% off!$2.80
Toothbrush: Bamboo Child Sized in 6 coloursToothbrush: Bamboo Child Sized$2.80