Clay: Yellow, French, by the gram

Price: $0.06
Clay: Yellow, French

Sold by the gram, $.0620/g. Please bring or order a Recloseable Bag.

MAIL OR PICK UP ORDER (pre-packed)

You must (please) order a minimum of 100g (or $5 worth, whichever is less) and buy a biodegradable bag or container. We reserve the right to change your container to a more appropriate size as needed and to credit or invoice you for any difference in your total order cost.

10% off for 500g
20% off for 1000g

French Yellow Clay is made up of fine mineral particles and iron oxides which determine its colour. It contains iron, but no aluminum. It is a very mild clay that can be used on dry or sensitive skin.

Certified Vegan and Kosher

Appearance: Fine pale yellow-coloured powder.

Benefits: French Yellow Clay is considered to be a powerful detoxifier which draws out impurities from the body while the essential minerals within the clay are released. It stimulates the circulation of blood and lymph, removes dead skin cells, and tones & strengthens connective tissues to leave skin smooth, fresh & radiant.

Application: French Yellow Clay can be used in detoxifying body wraps, soap making, face masks, body and hair packs, face or body scrubs, shampoos, poultices, cosmetics and facial powders.

Caution: Caution should be exercised as clays may stain fabric.

Revitalizing Face Mask Recipe:
Combine 1 oz of clay to 3 tbsp of water; add 1 tsp of jojoba oil and 2 drops each of orange and tangerine essential oils to form a paste. Apply to the skin leave for about 10 minutes and wash off with warm water. Floral water or aloe vera gel juice can be substituted for water.

Deodorizing Foot Treatment Recipe:
Add a half-cup of powdered clay and mix with 1/2 cup of water and 2–3 drops of tea tree essential oil. Apply the mixture to the feet, cover with plastic wrap and rinse off after 15 min with cool water.


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