Custom Talk or Workshop YOU (or Anarres) HOSTS!

Price: $120.00

tell us which type you want

ttf Custom Talk or OUTDOOR Workshop YOU HOST!


I am offering 2-hour hands-on DIY Workshops at Group Rates! (see offerings on this website) with the following conditions:

If you are the host, you provide:
* A private outdoor space with tables and chairs where 2 metres distance is possible between participants, and masks to be worn over mouth and nose.

* Electricity that reaches the teacher's table if needed.

* Up to ten participants from whom you collect fees due at least 1 week from the workshop date.

* Full names, email addresses and phone numbers of participants 1 week from the workshop date.

* Transportation with masking if YOUR location is more than a 20-minute bike ride from Anarres Apothecary M6H1M6

My safety boundaries I reserve the right to discontinue the workshop at any point without a refund if my safety conditions are not met throughout the setup, workshop and clean up.

Availability: I am generally available to facilitate workshops on Sundays and Mondays ending by 8 pm.

Inclement Weather In the case of rain or heat alert, we will negotiate rebooking the workshop without penalty with 24 hours minimum notice.

To book and begin customizing your workshop, a non-refundable but transferable with a 1-week cancellation notice deposit of $10 per participant is required.
1. SELECT $10 x # participants to pay the Materials Fee.
2. SELECT $20 x # participants to pay the full workshop Tuition Fee.
To pay the full fee, you will add the Materials Fee for each participant, then the full Tuition Fee.

My rate for a 2-hour DIY workshop that you or Anarres' hosts is the Group Rate of $20 plus $10 per participant materials cost. Materials include workshop notes and at least one product made by each participant.

All group workshops require a $10 Materials Fee per person to cover my costs. SELECT THE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AND $10 IN THE SLIDING SCALE MENU to pay this.

NON PROFITS & CHARITIES Perhaps I can do a workshop for you by Honoraria. Let's negotiate. Please contact me at Tracey AT Anarres Health DOT ca.

Photo thanks to Beth Terry of of My Plastic Free Life