from my sister-in-activism Kerri Brock
I am participating in the 100in1 Day program with Evergreen Brickworks on June 7th. (
This is a day of social and environmental intervention, and awareness. I have submitted an intervention that has been approved and I am looking for actors to help me bring it to life.
My intervention is a skit about environmental toxins and their impact on Mother Nature. (see enclosed brochure for a summary).
I am looking to host up to 4 locations of these skits over the city and am in need of 8-10 actors (2 per location) that can play one of 2 roles; Pollutia or the caregiver of Pollutia.
There is a script that I can share with those interested. The skit is about 10 minutes in length. I am looking to do 2 - 3 skits per hour for as many hours as the festival will allow. (I'm estimating 12-4 pm) but I have to firm up specifics.
I can be reached at Kerri Brock AT gmail DOT com if you are interested. Please let me know by May 19th if you can participate. I am doing a meet n greet on May 25th to review the script and details of the day.
If you are in high school and need hours, I can give you hours for your time.
Please share with other actors or friends in the performing community.
If you are not an actor but would like to know more about ways to get involved, please call me.
Thanks in advance!! Kerri Brock AT gmail DOT com
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