Last Minute Gifts! Anarres Booth at Karma Coop with Discounted Member Prices!

12/22/2012 2:00 pm
12/22/2012 6:00 pm

If you have thought about joining Karma Food Coop at 739 Parlmerston at Barton 1 light north of Bloor (see map below), or are a member and want to buy some holiday stuff to benefit our coop, come on Saturday 2 to 6pm because I'll be selling my handmade, local cosmetics, soaps, tub truffles and gift items.

Did you know that Karma Coop has THE lowest prices for Anarres and other cool local healthy cosmetics? Being a member is win-win-win - win for cooperation, win for food produers (and me) and win for you and your family!

Karma Food Co-op:
Karma Co-op is a non-profit food store owned co-operatively by the people who shop there - its members.