Mask: Holder, Adjustable Extender with Elastic Clip

Price: $1.50
Mask: Holder, Adjustable Extender with Elastic Clip 4x6
Mask: Holder, Adjustable Extender measuredMask: Holder, Adjustable Extender closeup1Mask: Holder, Adjustable Extender closeup 2Mask: Holder, Adjustable Extender clipsMask: Holder, Adjustable Extender how to useMask: Holder, Adjustable Extender stretchyMask: Holder, Adjustable Extender uses

Made of a strong, durable, material.
Reuse and hand wash!

Material: Elastic Fabric

Size: 4.3 in ~ 7.4 in.

* Care for your sore ears and keeping your masks tight and secure!

* Relieve ear pain after long-term wearing of mouth face masks!

* Freely adjust the tightness of the mask to prevent slipping

* Suitable for most disposable or ear hook face masks


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