Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds, Large

Price: $3.00

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Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 4x6
Patch: Fabric Embroidered BirdsPatch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 2Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 3Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 4Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 5Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 6Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 7Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 8Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 9Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 10Patch: Fabric Embroidered Birds 11instructions

1 for $3
Set of 10 for

Perfect for Decoration and DIY; Good for clothes, hats, bags, etc.

Name: Iron-On Patch
Material: fabric
Size: approx as the same as the picture
Weight: approx 6.5/5.1/3.3/8.4/5.5/8.8/8.2/3/4.2/13.8/5 grams
Colour: Please choose the colour according to the picture


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