Raspberry Leaf Red Certified Organic
Rubus idaeus, Certified Organically Grown. #Raspberry leaves are #nutrient-rich containing #Vitamins B & C and some #minerals and providing #antioxidant properties. Typically the leaves are used to make a #fragrant #tea that is particularly helpful to #women to relieve #PMS and encourage a #healthy #pregnancy during all three trimesters.
Sold by the gram, $0.0857/g. Please bring or order a bag
MINIMUM ORDER IS 100g OR $5 WORTH and buy a bag or another suitable container (search JAR or BOTTLE on our website).
You can bring your own container if you are picking up. Please make sure that you bring bottles for liquids and wide-mouthed jars or bags for solids. Please make sure that the containers you bring are the right size. To use your container for oils, the bottle must be exactly the right size because I will be filling your order by volume. A 1000mL J jar, not a quart jar. In case of shorting due to metric versus imperial measures, I may fill your container right to the top, your measure might be short, or I may ask you to buy an extra container.
The information presented on this website is for informational, reference and educational purposes only and should not be interpreted as a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a health care practitioner.
Photo thanks to Robert Flogaus-Faust - Own work, CC BY 4.0, Link
#herbaltea #tea #healthylifestyle #teatime #herbs #tealover #herbalmedicine #herbalism #health #looseleaftea #healing #herbalteas #DIY #herbs, #nature, #plants, #vegan, #organic, #witch, #plantbased #greenwitch #ShopEthical #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SmallBusiness #Toronto #Bloorcourt #Bloordale #BloorWest #supportlocal #shopsmallbusiness #EcoFriendly #Green #Responsible #FairTrade #Natural #Healthy #Bodycare #AnarresNaturalHealth #AnarresHealth #Sustainable #ZeroWaste
#raspberryleaftea #raspberryleaf #pregnancy #pcos #weekspregnant #redraspberry #redraspberryleaftea #thegirlwiththepearls #raspberry #thirdtrimester #wombman #fitfam #raspberrytea #pregnancytea #chamomiletea