Workshop: The Joy of Scent

05/19/2024 10:00 am
05/19/2024 4:00 pm
Price: $200.00
Perfumes in glass bottles at the Grand Bazaar, Istanbul

In this #hands-on #workshop, the ancient art of #perfumery meets the contemporary #science of #aromatherapy. We'll sample dozens of #EssentialOils and discover why and how they work.

You'll go home with 5 custom products created on the principles of ancient perfumery using the information of contemporary science - a $200 value! There's no introductory workshop like this in the city! All materials, take-home items, packaging, handouts, recipes PLUS LUNCH are included.

WHAT: The Joy of Scent Aromatherapy Perfumery
WHEN: Request a date for your friends or group!
WHERE: #Bloorcourt Bloor & Dovercourt location TBD

What is perfumery?
What are perfume oils and flower waters and how are they made?
What do perfumes do for us mentally, emotionally and physically, and how do we know this traditionally and scientifically?

At this comprehensive workshop you'll learn about:
• The history of perfumery and the contemporary science of scent and essential oils
• Plant morphology aka The Doctrine of Plant Signatures
• The principles of perfumery and the secrets of "Notes"

You'll create and go home with a customized:
• Oil-based Perfume
• Eau de Parfum - Alcohol-based perfume spray
• Eau de Toilette
• Eau de Cologne / Aftershave
• Eau Fraiche / Deodorizer

I took the “Joy of Scent” workshop from Anarres. It was amazing. We learned some of the history of aromatherapy as well as scent and oil use through the ages. We had a great hands-on day of learning, research and making! Looking to make your own line of perfumes or oil blends? THIS IS THE PLACE TO START! You get a great overview of how to make diffuser blends, sprays, colognes and more! Be sure to take notes! You can keep all your own recipes to make more later! As always, Anarres has all the supplies you need to make just about anything!
~ Terrie Brookins, Graduated Apprentice, indigo aroma

I'm so happy I took the Joy of Scent workshop yesterday!! It's a miracle that now I'm able to make excellent-smelling Essential Oil blends, which have a purpose. When I got home last night, I opened up several of my previous 'fails' - which I had done my best to make, having researched online various properties, and added missing Top, Middle, and Base notes, which I had learnt about during the workshop, and now those previous 'fails' are now 'wins'! Yay! Highly recommend this workshop!
~ Rachel Naipaul, Apprentice, Toronto

Thanks for an amazing learning experience and discovery into the world of scent. It is so interesting how just over the course of a few days the perfumes have changed and become a lot stronger and more complex.
~ Pria Patroni, first-time student, Toronto

Health Precautions Policy By registering for this event, you agree that you have read and consent to my policies to keep all of us safe and comfortable.
Learn more:
Workshop Rates and Payment Policy
Group Rates
Consultation Policy

RATES PER 6 HOUR WORKSHOP including lunch and all materials:
$225 plus HST Regular Rate
$200 per person + HST 7 days in Advance, Prepaid Discount Rate
$175 per person/workshop + HST (select $350) when you register & pre-pay for two full-day workshops, or sign up with a friend for the same workshop. 2-For, 7 days in Advance, Prepaid, Discount Rate

By placing this registration order, you agree that you understand our policies and agree to our terms. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you soon! ~ Tracey

Photo thanks to Slyronit, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

12/31/0051 - 10:25pm - 03/28/2025 - 6:25pm

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