Workshop at Karma Coop: DIY Body Scrubs Workshop - Spring Spa!

04/14/2024 10:00 am
04/14/2024 11:30 am
Price: $10.00
DIY Body Scrubs Workshop - Spring Spa!
 Moisturizing Foot CreamKarma_Oct15_Oils_Balms_AnarresDIY_Bug_Anarres_Karma 500xkarma_natural_cleaning_workshop_postkarma_spaDAY_APR1_ANARRES fullkarma_moisturizers_Mar4_ANARRESkarma_spagifts_Feb4_ANARRESScrub_Hand_DIY_KarmaCoop_AnarresEvergreen_Aromatherapy_Post_Anarres_Karma

WHAT: DIY Workshops are Back at Karma Food Coop!
WHERE: 739 Palmerston Avenue, outside front doors
WHEN: One SUNDAY of each month 10am to 11:30am
COST: Suggested Donation $10 for materials
(products you take home)
RSVP Required
Space is limited to only 10 participants.
Please register here:

Attendees: Just bring your enthusiasm for making and learning about DIY natural products Gathering and gardening herbs are easy and accessible to all.
Folk herbalism meets respect for our ultra-local environment!

DIY Body Scrubs Workshop - Spring Spa!
Sunday, April 14

Explore local sunflower and hemp seed oils, with fairly traded sea salts and cane sugar... You'll learn what each natural wholesome ingredient does according to tradition and contemporary knowledge, and how to combine them with clays, minerals, salts, oils and essential oils to make a custom body scrub that meets individual needs. This fun, hands-on workshop is a great way to enjoy some maker time, creating simple yet all-natural body care products. Open to all ages. Karma Co-op Members as well as the general public are welcome to sign up and attend. This workshop is part of a year-long series of Anarres workshops for 2024, with different topics on the second Sundays of each month. Reserve your spot and sign up now. Space is limited to 10 participants.

Make Moisturizing Foot Cream
Sunday, November 19 10a-11:30a

Step into Blissful Foot Care with Karma Coop's November 19 Workshop!
Craft a revitalizing Moisturizing Foot Cream with Tracey TieF of Anarres Natural Health, breathing life into tired feet, elbows, knees, and hands. Experience the soothing magic of Foot Wintergreen Moisturizing with Wild Nutmeg, combining certified organic ingredients for a rejuvenating elixir. Reserve your spot and embrace self-care through nature's essence. Your feet will thank you. Don't miss this chance to pamper yourself and loved ones.

DIY Evergreen Aromatherapy Sprays
Sunday, December 10, 10a-11a

Immerse yourself in the rejuvenating world of evergreen essential oils at our December Workshop! Take a mental walk in the forest as we delve into the art of #aromatherapy using Canadian #Evergreen #EssentialOils such as Eastern White #Cedar, Eastern Red Cedar, Scotch #Pine and #Fir Balsam. Learn to relieve stress, boost relaxation, and enhance your well-being with 100% natural #AirFresheners. Tracey TeF of Anarres Natural Health will guide you to create a personalized spray crafted from witch hazel and your choice of #hydrosols and #plant #essences, making every drop a source of #vitality for you - or a gift for a loved one!. Connect with the forest and let nature heal your soul. Join us and embark on a fragrant journey like no other! #AromatherapyWorkshop #NaturalWellness #RelaxWithEvergreens

Herbal Oils and Balms from the Garden

This is a workshop about the plants we find growing around and under us that we can use to make healing remedies for our minds, bodies and spirits. Starring herbs that are easy to gather and to grow: calendula, dandelion, comfrey, burdock, plantain, yarrow, clover and more!

In this workshop, you'll learn how to make:
* an herbal infused oil using locally grown sunflower seed oil
* an herbal balm using locally grown sunflower seed oil, and local beeswax

Join us - whether you know it all, or nothing at all - for hands on mini workshops with an emphasis on how the ingredients work.

Especially for new and curious not-yet-members!
All ages and member statuses welcome.
Bring a friend. Bring your kid.
All workshops are by donation (suggested $10 for take home materials).

DIY Workshops at Karma Coop on a monthly basis!

This new series of DIY workshops will explore ingredients, many of which can be purchased at the coop.

We'll meet (usually) the first SUNDAY of each month 10a-11:30 am. After the workshop, you'll have a chance to learn more about Karma Coop and shop if you like.

Make a Natural and Effective Sunscreen!

SUNDAY OCTOBER 15TH 10-11:30 am
Herbal Oils and Balms from the Garden

Please help spread the word about these workshops by donation!

Tracey, Certified Natural Health Practitioner, Founder, Teacher, Proud Member of Karma Food Coop for 35+ years!

Join us!
Sept 9 - Make a Natural and Effective Sun Screen

Oct 15 - Herbal Oils and Balms from the Garden

Just bring your enthusiasm for making and learning about DIY natural products Gathering and gardening herbs are easy and accessible to all.
Folk herbalism meets respect for our ultra-local environment!
This is a workshop about the plants we find growing around and under us that we can use to make healing remedies for our minds, bodies and spirits. Starring herbs that are easy to gather and to grow: calendula, dandelion, comfrey, burdock, plantain, yarrow, clover and more! In this workshop, you'll learn how to make:
* an herbal infused oil using locally grown sunflower seed oil
* an herbal balm using locally grown sunflower seed oil, and local beeswax


May 6 - DIY Fair Trade Body Scrubs!
June 3 - DIY Natural Spring Cleaning Products!
August 5 - Make a Natural and Effective Bug Spray

DIY Natural Spring Cleaning Products
How do you make a safe and effective all purpose spray, a creamy scrub and a wood re conditioner?

As a participant, you'll go home with your very own set of easy-to-make cleaning products (plus recipes) that have been tested for effectiveness and are good for your health and the environment! Bring empty spritzer and squeeze bottles for yourself and to share.

#DIY #FairTrade and #Local #BodyScrub

Why spend ten times more on stuff made with mystery ingredients and laced with industrial chemicals? You'll learn what each natural wholesome ingredient does according to tradition and contemporary knowledge, and how to combine them to meet individual needs. You'll work with clays, minerals, salts, oils and essential oils and go home with a custom body scrub!!

Explore local Sunflower and Hemp Seed Oils, with fairly traded sea salts and.... cane sugar!!! Give yourself a Spring Spa Day!

Check for new and different workshops on the first Saturday of each month from 10 am to 11:30 am
COST: Suggested Donation of $10 for materials
(products you take home) You may donate when you register, or after the workshop.

Space is limited. You must register.
Please wear a mask for the safety and comfort of everyone participating.

Join us - whether you know it all or nothing at all - for hands-on mini-workshops with an emphasis on how the ingredients work.

Especially for new and curious not-yet-members!
All ages and member statuses are welcome.
Bring a friend. Bring your kid.
All workshops are by donation (suggested $10 for take-home materials).

DIY Workshops at Karma Coop on a monthly basis!

This new series of DIY workshops will explore ingredients, many of which can be purchased at the coop.

We'll meet the first Saturday of each month 10a-11:30 am. After the workshop, you'll have a chance to learn more about Karma Coop and shop if you like.

Please help spread the word about these workshops!

Tracey, Certified Natural Health Practitioner, Founder, Teacher, and Proud Member of Karma Food Coop for 35 years!

#MadeInToronto #Toronto #ShopSmall #ShopLocal #SmallBusiness #Bloordale #Bloorcourt #BloorWest #Aromatherapy #ZeroWaste #ShopEthical #Fairtrade #Green #DIY #karmafoodcoop #karmacoop

07/31/7820 - 10:25pm - 03/04/2025 - 11:12pm

Choose to donate now, or whatever you want at the end of the workshop.