FULL DAY: Lotions, Potions and Creams II AT ANARRES
If you are an aspiring or qualified health professional, please pre register for this semi private all-you-need-to-know series in 6 hour 10am to 4pm curricula:
MON Lotions, Potions and Creams http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/1241
TUE Lotions, Potions and Creams II http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/1278
WED Natural Hair Care http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/1064
THU Natural Bath & Body Care http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/1086 Feel free to suggest the items you want to make this day including deodorants, dental care etc.
FRI Creating Your Natural Cosmetic Business http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/1169
I am offering this Professional Series to those establishing natural health practices, serious DIYers and those who possess some health care qualifications. I am sure you will each learn much in the company of your colleagues! I am expecting a student from Newfoundland!
Here is some of what you'll get out of the Professional Series:
~ You will receive a Certificate of Completion with hours of participation for each day you attend that you can submit to your professional association and your insurance company.
~ You will create and take home one of each packaged and labelled, customized product you make each day.
~ You will enjoy a field trip each day just before lunch to investigate products already on the market, their ingredients and how the products are labelled and marketed.
~ You will enjoy wholesome beverages, snacks and lunch each day.
~ You will enjoy semi private instruction, with plenty of time to help you learn exactly what you need to.
~ Best of all you will learn in the company of other keen professionals and natural product lovers with the opportunity to network and support each other in the growth of your work.
You'll learn with a maximum of 5 other students in the Clinic Kitchen at Anarres Natural Health.
The fee structure PER DAY:
$175 per person + HST* in the week preceding the workshop date
Pre registered and pre paid until 1 week prior: $155 + HST*
Register & pre pay with a friend: $125 per person + HST* (select $250)
Register for all 5 workshops $500 +HST* pre paid until 1 week prior
*HST does not apply to out of province student,
so you will pay only GST when you register with your non Ontario address.
In order to produce the series, I do need your commitment by your pre registration and payment. I am very happy to work with you on ensuring this works for you if you are applying for funding. I prefer payments by cheque or cash, or through PayPal (you don't need an account).
Feel free to call me or email me to figure out any details or ask any questions.
REGISTER HERE: http://www.anarreshealth.ca/node/1307