Events, Workshops & Labs: Sign Up!

Events, Workshops & Labs: Sign Up! Sign up, pre register and pre pay for evening, full day workshops labs and events at Anarres. Also buy workshop notes and product development consultation.
ImageNamePriceMore Info & Add To Cart
Holding a variey of Cold Process soapsSoap Making Lab, Cold Process$0.00
Spa Gifts Workshop at Karma Food CoopSpa Gifts: #BathSalts, Scrubs and #Face & Body #Masks$10.00
Sticker: Defend InstitutionsSticker: Defend Institutions$3.00
Stickers: Code PinkStickers: Code Pink$3.00
Tracey Zero Waste Talk at a CafeTalk & Demo: Zero Waste on a Near Zero Budget$100.00
Logo of two hands for Talk: Happy & Healthy Between the SheetsTALK: Happy and Healthy Between The Sheets$200.00
The Medicine at Your Feet: DIY Herbal Oils and TeasThe Medicine at Your Feet: DIY Herbal Oils and Teas$10.00
The Medicine at Your Feet: DIY Herbal Oils and TeasThe Medicine at Your Feet: DIY Herbal Oils and Teas$10.00
UJPO Dove flying with scales of justiceThird Seyder: United Against Fascism$0.00
February 27 is Election Day in OntarioTRACEY UNAVAILABLE Election TDRO Finalization$0.00